School dental care is organized by the Zug communities. Thanks to the motivated efforts of the Zug Dental Association, the school dental care service will continue in the future, after the municipalities wanted to dismantle school dental care in a cost-cutting offensive after the turn of the millennium. School dental care will continue to enable pupils to have healthy, caries-free teeth.
The regulations and ordinances on the school dentist service define federally in each municipality (collation) the cooperation and the obligations of the contractual partners: parents, municipality and dentist.
The school dental care instructors guarantee prophylaxis through school visits in each municipality. They visit the kindergarten three times a year and the 1st to 4th primary grades twice a year.
The school dental care measures apply to kindergarten pupils and school-age children and adolescents whose legal guardians are residents of a Zug municipality. All children and adolescents receive a voucher from the community for an annual obligatory dental examination at the dentist of their choice. The dental examination also includes dental cleaning and dental fluoridation.