In case of dental problems, first try to reach your own dentist. You can find out his private telephone number or his cell phone number as a voluntary service on the answering machine of his practice.

If you cannot reach your dentist or any representative, the Zug Dental Association organizes the official emergency dental service for the canton of Zug. You can reach the emergency dentist by calling 0844 22 40 44. The emergency dentist is available to the public for acute dental pain and dental accidents in the evening as well as on weekends and public holidays.

Hours of service:

Monday to Thursday: 16:00 to 21:00
Friday: 08:00 to 21:00
Weekend: 08:00 to 21:00

Dental accidents in children
Correct behavior in an emergency is crucial. The Health Department of the Canton of Zurich has published a leaflet (Merkblatt herunterladen) on what to do in the event of dental accidents. You can download this leaflet and save it handy on your smartphone.

Emergency treatments
In the emergency service outside the usual working hours, only simple emergency treatments are usually performed. Payment for the corresponding services is usually made in cash. You are entitled to receive a detailed invoice with receipt and the documents prepared.

intervention urgency for emergencies